At Laytonsville Elementary, we strive to always be SAFE, RESPECTFUL, and RESPONSIBLE

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I get a dog! By: Caitlyn

Yesterday when I came home from school my mom told me that we are going to get a dog in January. We are going to keep it only for a month, its a chocolate lab. I can't wait!

Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19-23 Newsletter

Weekly Highlights:

Thank you to our wonderful PTA for providing the Fourth and Fifth grade with 50 new Atlases.  They are much needed and much appreciated for our social studies unit!
23- 2:30 Holiday Sing-A-Long (parents are welcome)

Please be sure to check your child to make sure s/he has a jacket, hat, gloves for recess.  Since we have an early recess, it can still be chilly outside!

Happy Holidays to you and your family! I hope you enjoy Winter Break!  I am hoping to travel to Pittsburgh to visit my niece and to enjoy some time with my son.  He would like to see "Chipwrecked!"

Math 4:

Our assessment will take place December 20 & 21. We will reveiw Monday and then go over the assessment on Thursday and Friday.

A reviw packet was sent home 12/6 and due on 12/19 where we will discuss to prepare for our assessment.

We are using the Kahn Academy website to take individualized tutorials to practice our multiplication facts. For more information, visit and search for basic multiplication.

Social Studies:

Our study of maps has led us into studying regions of the United States and how those regions impacted Native American Settlements. Students will then begin to research the Native Americans living in each region. Once research is compiled, students will create a PowerPoint presentation to display what they have learned to the class. Our research is due to class on December 21. This is an in-class project but students may gather research at home as well. Our presentations will begin on approximately January 19.

Link to websites that have information about Native Americans:
O:\grade4\social studies\Travilah ES - Media Center - Native Americans.mht


We will study the reading strategy makingconnections. We will focus on making three different kinds of connections: text to self, text to world, and text to text. We will read fiction stories this week to apply what we have learned about connections from nonfiction to fiction. We will read the Jr. Great Books story "The Elephant's Child."

Text to self: connections you can make to yourself about what you are reading.
Text to world: connections you can make to your background knowledge about what you know about the world around you.
Text to text: connections you can make to another text you have read


Students have been working on their writing piece for quarter 2 and will begin to draft their piece. We have talked about taking notes, making element of a story maps, and working on the organization of a piece of writing.

Most students have decided to write stories for the second quarter. Students must complete one writing project per quarter. We can't wait to share these with you!

Here is a sample of what is happening in class:

*Lydia is writing about wolves and huskies
*Anna is creating a poetry collection.

*Mark is researching Buffalo Bills player, Pete Metzlaars.

*Gissel is researching how pizza was invented


We will study noun suffixes for Sort 7. Our spelling test will be Thursday December 22 due to the chorus performance. Please remember that all students are given TWO copies of their spelling lists: one for class and one for home. They must have their list with them in order to take their spelling test (all students have different lists).

The suffixes for the two weeks are:

-er, -or, -ian, -ist

These suffixes indicate agents, something or someone that does, or is related to the base word. The suffixes -er and -or are often added to a verb to create a noun that is a "doer." The suffix -ian has several sounds and we will continue to explore throughout other sorts.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Weekly Highlights:

9- Laytonsville Town Tree Lighting Ceremony (chorus performs) 7:00 PM
Students do not need to wear their chorus t-shirts but should dress warmly to perform outside.

13-Science Assembly, 10:15
13-Ms. Hudson's class visits the Holiday Shop at lunch
15 & 16- Ms. Hudson's is out for two days.

Student Highlights:
*Mark has qualified to compete in the Tom Dolan Invitational swim competition this weekend.  You can watch him compete on the following website:

*Catherine will be performing at the Elipse Friday, 12/9 and again at Lakeforest Mall on 12/10 at noon. 

*All chorus members are invited to perform at the Laytonsville Treelighting 12/9 at 7:00 PM

Request for Volunteers
We are looking for a volunteer to copy materials every other week. If interseted, please email Ms. Hudson or Mrs. Dynda.

Math 4:
This week we will be working on divisibilty rules and reviewing for our unit 2 assessment.
Our assessment will take place December 20 & 21.
A reviw packet was sent home 12/6 and due on 12/19 where we will discuss to prepare for our assessment.
Ms. Hudson will host a lunch study session on December 13 to go over any questions students are having before they complete the packet.

We are using the Kahn Academy website to take individualized tutorials to practice our multiplication facts. For more information, visit and search for basic multiplication.

Social Studies:
Our study of maps has led us into studying regions of the United States and how those regions impacted Native American Settlements. Students will then begin to research the Native Americans living in each region. Once research is compiled, students will create a PowerPoint presentation to display what they have learned to the class. Our research is due to class on December 21. This is an in-class project but students may gather research at home as well. Our presentations will begin on approximately January 19.

We will study the reading strategy makingconnections. We will focus on making three different kinds of connections: text to self, text to world, and text to text. We will read fiction stories this week to apply what we have learned about connections from nonfiction to fiction.  We will read the Jr. Great Books story "Fresh."

Text to self: connections you can make to yourself about what you are reading.

Text to world: connections you can make to your background knowledge about what you know about the world around you.

Text to text: connections you can make to another text you have read

Students have been working on their writing piece for quarter 2 and will begin to draft their piece. We have talked about taking notes, making element of a story maps, and working on the organization of a piece of writing.

Most students have decided to write stories for the second quarter. Students must complete one writing project per quarter. We can't wait to share these with you!

Here is a sample of what is happening in class:
*Jason, Anjali and Ethan are creating journals.
*Kaley, Melanie, Ryan, and Zaria are writing stories.
*Brian is surveying the class about our favorite candies.
*Hannah is reseraching wolves.

We will study noun suffixes for Sort 7. Our spelling test will be Thursday December 22 due to the chorus performance. Please remember that all students are given TWO copies of their spelling lists: one for class and one for home. They must have their list with them in order to take their spelling test (all students have different lists).

The suffixes for the two weeks are:
-er, -or, -ian, -ist

These suffixes indicate agents, something or someone that does, or is related to the base word. The suffixes -er and -or are often added to a verb to create a noun that is a "doer."  The suffix -ian has several sounds and we will continue to explore throughout other sorts. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 5-9 Weekly Update

Weekly Highlights:
9- Laytonsville Town Tree Lighting Ceremony (chorus performs) 7:00 PM
Students do not need to wear their chorus t-shirts but should dress warmly to perform outside.

Request for Volunteers
We are looking for a volunteer to copy materials every other week.  If interseted, please email Ms. Hudson or Mrs. Dynda.
We are also planning a trip to the Museum of the American Indian.  We are looking for a volunteer to call various bus compaines to secure transportation.  If interseted, email Ms. Hudson.  I have a list of contacts for you to call.

Math 4:

This week we will be working on word problems to solve for the unknown. An example problem is:
Zaria has 30 pieces of candy.  She wants to share her candy with 5 friends.  How much candy will each friend get?
*What does 30 represent? (the total amount of candy Zaria has)
*What does 5 represent?  (The number of friends she wants to share candy with)
*What is the unknown? (the number of pieces each friend can have)
*Write an equation to represent the unknown quantity. (30/5 = c)
*Solve your equation for the unknown? (c= Each friend will get 6 pieces of candy)

We are using the Kahn Academy website to take individualized tutorials to practice our multiplication facts. For more information, visit and search for basic multiplication.

Social Studies:

Our study of maps has led us into studying regions of the United States and how those regions impacted Native American Settlements. Students will then begin to research the Native Americans living in each region. Once research is compiled, students will create a PowerPoint presentation to display what they have learned to the class.  Our research is due to class on December 14.  This is an in-class project but students may gather research at home as well.  Our presentations will begin on approximately January 4.


In reading groups, we will study the reading strategy makingconnections. We will focus on making three different kinds of connections: text to self, text to world, and text to text.  Students will read books about chocolate to make connections this week.

Text to self: connections you can make to yourself about what you are reading.
Text to world: connections you can make to your background knowledge about what you know about the world around you.
Text to text: connections you can make to another text you have read

Students have been working on their writing piece for quarter 2 and will begin to draft their piece.  We have talked about taking notes, making element of a story maps, and working on the organization of a piece of writing. 
Most students have decided to write stories for the second quarter.  Students must complete one writing project per quarter.  We can't wait to share these with you!

Here is a sample of what is happening in class:

Jason, Anjali and Ethan are creating journals.

Kaley, Melanie, Ryan, and Zaria are writing stories.

Brian is surveying the class about our favorite candies.

Hannah is reseraching wolves.


We will study comparative suffixes for Sort 6. Our spelling test will be Friday, December 9. Please remember that all students are given TWO copies of their spelling lists: one for class and one for home. They must have their list with them in order to take their spelling test (all students have different lists).

The suffixes for the two weeks are:

-er, -est, -ier, -iest

When comparing two things, -er is used. When comparing more than two things, -est is used.

Students will notice that when given word like kind you simply add -er or -est to the base word.

When given a word like early, the y will change to an i before adding -er or -est.

The Class By Sophia

The class is a very good class: safe, respectful, and responisble and awesome! We deserve special treatment and of course I mean Ms.Hdson's class rocks! We get A+'s so we are awesome!

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28-December 2

Math 4:
Students will continue to use Hands On Equations to write and solve equations with the variables x and y. We will then extend our learning to solve equations without the pieces.  We will also use the Distributive Property to solve equations with parenthesis.

A number may be made by multiplying two or more other numbers together. The numbers that are multiplied together are called factors of the final number. All numbers have a factor of one since one multiplied by any number equals that number. All numbers can be divided by themselves to produce the number one. Therefore, we normally ignore one and the number itself as useful factors.

A multiple in math is any number that is a product of the number. The multiples in math are found by taking the products of any counting number and that number. For example 2,4,6,8 are all multiples of 2.

We are using the Kahn Academy website to take individualized tutorials to practice our multiplication facts. For more information, visit and search for basic multiplication.

Social Studies:
Our study of maps has led us into studying regions of the United States and how those regions impacted Native American Settlements. Students will then begin to research the Native Americans living in each region. Once research is compiled, students will create a PowerPoint presentation to display what they have learned to the class.

In reading groups, we will continue to study the reading strategy making predictions. We will focus on making predictions before and during text for three weeks. When making predictions, students will focus on clues in the text or text features to help them predict what will happen in a text. We will read both fiction and nonfiction to predict outcomes.

The prediction cycle:
1. Make a prediction
2. Gather evidence to support prediction
3. Confirm or change that prediction.

This week students will continue to revise and edit their first writing pieces. Several students have made graphs on Excel and are writing research papers about the topics. Other students are writing creative stories. Others are writing poetry collections. We can't wait to share these with you!

Once students have published their first writing projects of the year, they will move on to their second project. Here is a sample of what is happening in class:
Anjali and Ethan are creating journals.
Kaley, Melanie, Ryan, and Zaria are writing stories.
Brian is surveying the class about our favorite candies.
Christine is reporting on hamsters and dogs.

We will study comparative suffixes for Sort 6. Our spelling test will be Friday, December 9. Please remember that all students are given TWO copies of their spelling lists: one for class and one for home.  They must have their list with them in order to take their spelling test (all students have different lists).

The suffixes for the next two weeks are:
-er, -est, -ier, -iest
When comparing two things, -er is used.  When comparing more than two things, -est is used.

Students will notice that when given word like kind you simply add -er or -est to the base word.
When given a word like early, the y will change to an i before adding -er or -est.

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 21-25

Weekly Highlights:

November 20: Green Team Grounds Clean Up 11:00-1:00
November 23: Spelling Test
November 24: Happy Thanksgiving
November 24 & 25: School Closed, Thanskgiving Break

Math 4:
Students will continue focus on identifying factors and multiples this week. We will use Hands On Equations to write and solve equations with the variables x and y.

A number may be made by multiplying two or more other numbers together. The numbers that are multiplied together are called factors of the final number. All numbers have a factor of one since one multiplied by any number equals that number. All numbers can be divided by themselves to produce the number one. Therefore, we normally ignore one and the number itself as useful factors.

A multiple in math is any number that is a product of the number. The multiples in math are found by taking the products of any counting number and that number. For example 2,4,6,8 are all multiples of 2.

We are using the Kahn Academy website to take individualized tutorials to practice our multiplication facts. For more information, visit and search for basic multiplication.

Social Studies:
We will continue to study political, physical, and thematic maps this week. We will also study the grid of a map (latitude and longitude). We will have a graded quiz on continents and oceans on Monday, November 21.

Political Maps-include boundaries for countries, states, roads, highways, capitals, cities
Physical Maps-include land elevations, lakes, rivers, etc.
Thematic Maps-include information based on one theme (farming, population, land use, etc.)

Our study of maps will lead us into studying regions of the United States and how those regions impacted Native American Settlements. Students will then begin to research the Native Americans living in each region. Once research is compiled, students will create a PowerPoint presentation to display what they have learned to the class.

In reading groups, we will begin to study the reading strategy making predictions. We will focus on making predictions before and during text for three weeks. When making predictions, students will focus on clues in the text or text features to help them predict what will happen in a text. We will read both fiction and nonfiction to predict outcomes.

The prediction cycle:

1. Make a prediction
2. Gather evidence to support prediction
3. Confirm or change that prediction.

This week students will continue to revise and edit their writing pieces from quarter one. Several students have made graphs on Excel and are writing research papers about the topics. Other students are writing creative stories. Others are writing poetry collections. We can't wait to share these with you!

Once students have published their first writing projects of the year, they will move on to their second project. Here is a sample of what is happening in class:
Anjali and Ethan are creating journals.
Kaley, Melanie, Ryan, and Zaria are writing stories.
Brian is surveying the class about our favorite candies.
Christine is reporting on hamsters and dogs.

We have begun to study suffixes for Sort 5. Our spelling test will be WEDNESDAY November 23, 2011 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Be sure to see Ms. Hudson to take your test early if you will be absent that day.

The suffixes for the next two weeks are:

Students will notice that adding a y to the base word creates and adjective wheras adding -ly and -ily creates an adverb.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Hey classmates so were are you going for Thanksgiving? I might be going to Virginia Beach to have Thanksgiving with my grangmother. It might be too cold to go to the beach. Who dares me to swim at the frezzing cold beach? How many are staying home? Have a nice Thanksgiving!   :) 


Friday, November 11, 2011

Flag and Poster

As many of you know, Mr. Dynda just got back from Afghanistan.  While he was there, he took a poster that all fourth graders signed to display in the many cities he traveled to.  He also took an American Flag to fly in our honor while he served.  Here are a few of the pictures he shared with us.  The flag and poster will be on display at LES soon!

Thank you to Mr. Dynda and to all who have served our country both past and present!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November 14-18

Weekly Highlights:
SGA elections are coming! Stay tuned for more information
November 16:  Map Project due in Social Studies
November 20: Green Team Grounds Clean Up 11:00-1:00

Math 4:
Students will continue focus on identifying factors and multiples this week.

A number may be made by multiplying two or more other numbers together. The numbers that are multiplied together are called factors of the final number. All numbers have a factor of one since one multiplied by any number equals that number. All numbers can be divided by themselves to produce the number one. Therefore, we normally ignore one and the number itself as useful factors.

A multiple in math is any number that is a product of the number. The multiples in math are found by taking the products of any counting number and that number. For example 2,4,6,8 are all multiples of 2.

We are using the Kahn Academy website to take individualized tutorials to practice our multiplication facts. For more information, visit and search for basic multiplication.

Social Studies:
Thank you to Mr. Allan for coming in to share information about your grandfather with our class.  Thank your for showing us his Purple Heart.  We are grateful for his service to our country.   If any other parents would like to come in to share about your family, please contact Ms. Hudson.  We would love to see you!

We will continue to study political, physical, and thematic maps this week. We will also study the grid of a map (latitude and longitude). Reminder: Map Project due November 16.
Political Maps-include boundaries for countries, states, roads, highways, capitals, cities
Physical Maps-include land elevations, lakes, rivers, etc.
Thematic Maps-include information based on one theme (farming, population, land use, etc.)

Please remember that our MAP PROJECT is due November 16.  We will begin to share these map projects on Wednesday and continue through Friday.  Please be sure to email/call/meet with Ms. Hudson if you have any questions!

Our study of maps will lead us into studying regions of the United States and how those regions impacted Native American Settlements.  Students will then begin to research the Native Americans living in each region.  Once research is compiled, students will create a PowerPoint presentation to display what they have learned to the class.

In reading groups, we will begin to study the reading strategy making predictions.  We will focus on making predictions before and during text for three weeks.  When making predictions, students will focus on clues in the text or text features to help them predict what will happen in a text.  We will read both fiction and nonfiction to predict outcomes.
The prediction cycle:
1. Make a prediction
2. Gather evidence to support prediction
3. Confirm or change that prediction.

This week students will continue to revise and edit their writing pieces from quarter one. Several students have made graphs on Excel and are writing research papers about the topics. Other students are writing creative stories. Others are writing poetry collections. We can't wait to share these with you!
Once students have published their first writing projects of the year, they will move on to their second project.  Stay tuned for more information.

Most students will begin to study suffixes for Sort 5. Our spelling test will be WEDNESDAY November 23, 2011 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Be sure to see Ms. Hudson to take your test early if you will be absent that day.

The suffixes for the next two weeks are:

Students will notice that adding a y to the base word creates and adjective wheras adding -ly and -ily creates an adverb.

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 7-11 Newsletter

Weekly Highlights
Students will have chorus Monday from 12:30-1:20.

The Book Fair preview for fourth graders will be Wednesday from 10:30-11:20.
Bingo Night is also Wednesday.
Early Release Days for parent conferences are Thursday & Friday. Please contact your child's teacher if you have not received a conference time.

Math 4:
We will continue to learn patterns of multiplication this week. Students are expected to practice their facts (0-12) each night at home. There will be a quiz on the 15 facts to memorize on Thursday. These facts came home last Friday so that students could practice them at home. We are using the Kahn Academy website to take individualized tutorials to practice our multiplication facts. For more information, visit and search for basic multiplication.

Social Studies:
We will continue to study political, physical, and thematic maps this week. We will also study the grid of a map (latitude and longitude). Reminder: Map Project due November 16.

Political Maps-include boundaries for countries, states, roads, highways, capitals, cities
Physical Maps-include land elevations, lakes, rivers, etc.
Thematic Maps-include information based on one theme (farming, population, land use, etc.)
Due to the early release schedule, we will have social stuides on Wednesday only this week.

We will use retelling strategies to search for the gist of each paragraph/page as we read. We will continue to use the book After the Earthquakes to make inferences about nonfiction text. Literature Circle work for the Purple Monkeys and Vampire Bunnies is due on November 10.

This week students will continue to revise and edit their writing pieces from quarter one. Several students have made graphs on Excel and are writing research papers about the topics. Other students are writing creative stories. Others are writing poetry collections. We can't wait to share these with you!

Most students will continue the prefix pattern for Sort 4. Our spelling test will be THURSDAY, November 10, 2011.
Our prefixes are:
pre- under
com- with
pro- for
en- cause

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 1-4 Newsletter

Math 4:
Students in Ms. Hudson's math class will be learning about patterns in multiplication. We will review fact families and practice our basic math facts. Students are expected to know their multiplication facts up to 12 in the fourth grade. We will also examine picture/shape patterns and numeric patterns that are both increasing and decreasing.

Social Studies:
November 1 marks the first week of social studies for grade 4. We will have social studies for quarters 1 & 2. We will begin our study by examining three different types of maps: physical, political, and thematic. Look for a map project to be sent home on Thursday, November 3. Students will create their own map including all elements (Green & Blue Kissing TOADS) due November 16.

We will focus on reading nonfiction text to make inferences. We will read a book called Earthquakes to infer what happens to both people and the land during an earthquake.
We will also work in small groups on retelling strategies: 5 finger, Somebody Wanted But So, and Beginning, Middle & End strategies.
Literature Cirlce work is due November 2. Students will then meet in groups to assign new roles and a due date.

Students are continuing their pieces from quarter one. Most students are in the revision stage of their work. Look for our final copies by the end of this month!

Most students will continue the prefix spelling pattern. Look for sort 4 to come home Tuesday. Students lists will come home on Wednesday. Spelling test will be on November 11.
This week's prefixes are:
pre- (under)
com- (with)
pro- (for)
en- (cause)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Party By: Connor K

Im So Excited For The Halloween Party :] !! I've Already Set Up My Halloween Stuff At My House And I'm Going To Make The Pumpkins In My Front Yard Look Funny ! For Halloween Im Going To Be A Soldier. IM SO EXCITED I CAN HARDLY WAIT because i dont have to sit through classes we get to have food and play games and stuff! and during the weekend I can get millions of candy [probably wont get millions but hey whatever!] YAY :]!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Poem Express By: Casey D.

Silly Weather

Silly, willy, chilly,

Chilly, silly, willy,

Willy, chilly, silly,

Autmn can be silly, willy, and chilly

Weird weather.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Homeless Walk! Be ready! Also Halloween! by Sophia

Next week is the homeless walk, next Monday actually! Be ready and cheer for the 4th grade bulldogs! Wear your sneakers and be ready to walk! There will be t- shirts I believe !

I also believe Halloween is coming up! Bring costumes in a bag and don't wear scary mask! Be readddddddddddddddddddddddyyyyyyyy!
Also there is a halloween parade so get your scare on!

Hope you have lotssssssssssssss and lotssssssssssssss of FUN!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Cinderella story By Erin McClurer

Onec there was a poorly stiched girl named Cinderella she was 19 weeks old. Her mom died and her dad remarried to a filthly rich women with 2 daughters. Now her dad died and she is the maid for the family.

If you want to hear the rest come toErin McClure

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mrs Hudson's Class Pet's: By: Siena A.

Mrs. Hudson's class pets are on a roll! The fish (some dead) have been snacking on plants and doing some of the wierdest things. Not only that, but the crickets have gotten more hoppier then ever. The Isopods have"dug underground"...Or so they say. But, One question remains: Are the cricket's eating the Isopods (potato bugs) No they are not!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My new teacher BY NICK

My new teacher Mrs.Hudson is the best teacher EVER! She is nice and funny. So far she's the best teacher :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Life as a kid By: Micheal 4G

I think being in a 4\5 combo class is AWESOME! I think that Mr. Beddick is the the best teacher EVER! But sence this is Mrs. Hudsons blog I will say she is a very good teacher to make her feel better. If you are under 3rd grade I would want her for my 4th grade teacher.
But on the first few days it is very confusing! (But that is only for me).Sence I have Mrs. Hudson for reading I have a favorite shift, it is DEAR time.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Fun

By now I hope everyone has started to enjoy their summer. I haven't had a chance to go on vacation yet, but I have been very busy. I hope you'll come and visit me at Open House in August because I can't wait to show off all my new cool toys I got this summer: my own laptop and a new century. I'm in the 21st century now. I think my class from last year will be sooooo proud of me.
To my class from last year:
I've been updating my blog on and I've been commenting on yours too. Keep updating so we can stay in touch.

Hoping you are enjoying your summer!
Ms. Hudson :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's been a WHILE! by Ms. Hudson

Hello out there! It really has been a while since our class has updated this blog. We think about it every week, but then things come up. There's a lot of exciting things happening for us at LES.

On Monday, our new student, Quincy, started school. His is from Ivory Coast and speaks French. On a sad note, Jackie & Jack have both moved away from our school. We miss them a lot!

Our class has decided to perform a play as part of our unit. I'm really excited about this because the play is about saving the earth. I'm a little nervous because there are only 20 of us. Will our voices be loud enough? Will we have enough time to prepare? Today we had auditions for the lead roles in the play. It was really sad to have to tell some students that they could not get the parts they tried out for. The good news is that they can choose another role. There are enough speaking parts for all of us to participate. I can't wait to start choreographing the dances. It's going to be so much fun!!!!!

Hopefully someone else will blog soon. We are settling back into our routine again now that MSA's are over!