At Laytonsville Elementary, we strive to always be SAFE, RESPECTFUL, and RESPONSIBLE

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Welcome To Fourth Grade


We are pleased to welcome you to fourth grade! This blog will serve as our weekly newsletter.  We will provide many updates with the exciting things we are learning in fourth grade.

We are eager to welcome you to visit your classrooms on Friday, August 23 from 1:00 to 2:30 PM.  You will have the opportunity to meet your teacher, visit your new classroom, practicing using the Promethean Board, and, of course, meet friends in your class. 

After reviewing feedback from students and parents from last year, we would like to request additional school supply items.  Please bring a 1/2 in binder (Bidwick & Hudson) by September 16, if you are able.  We would like to send home a monthly data notebook that is separate from the students' daily binder.

Students are also strongly encouraged to purchase their own USB drives as we will create many exciting projects on our school laptops that may need to be transferred to and from school.

We also encourage students to bring water bottle, daily snack (healthy preferred) and a beach towel/blanket (for class outside).

We are looking forward to getting to know you and your parents this year!
Ms. Hudson
Mrs. Dynda
Mr. Bidwick

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome fourth grade team! So glad to be working with you!
